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The Bookworm's Den

Worming my way through books since 1998 

Die Abentheuer des Don Sylvio von Rosalva (German Edition)

Die Abentheuer des Don Sylvio von Rosalva (German Edition) - Christoph Martin Wieland The ending was rather sweet and almost made me give this book three stars - but honestly, I don't think it would be right to up a rating of an almost 400 page novel because of 10 pages.

To be fair though: I had to read this for a class at uni, and as we're all aware it's only natural that we enjoy books less if we HAVE to read them (and then have to write papers about them -_-). So take this review with a grain of salt ;-)! I'm sure that it's probably much better than I thought it - simply because the process of reading is more enjoyable when you don't have to rush through a novel.